Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster and more may soon cross over from fiction to fact.

You might have been surprised to find your news feed filled with stories about the scientifically confirmed existence of “unicorns” back in March.

But for cryptozoologists — those who search for and study creatures whose existence has not actually been proven — this so-called “discovery” was a rather yawn-worthy affair indeed.

That’s right: Unicorns’ existence was only a surprise to you.

And that’s just the beginning. Cryptozoologists believe that there are many “fictional” creatures that are just waiting to be discovered. Calling all Yetis, mer-people and Loch Ness monsters: Now’s your time to make yourself known.

One beast that has cryptozoologists chattering is Gigantopithecus. The now-extinct ape was the largest ever known — and thanks to Disney’s new concept of King Louie in Jon Favreau’s update of “The Jungle Book,” is enjoying new popularity.

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