Alien sensation has reported over 100 people as witnesses to a strange UFO formation in the desert skies at a recent alien chaser conference. In an interview, a female pilot claimed that she, along with her boyfriend, had seen four UFOs in the desert while at the contact in the Desert conference held in the Joshua Tree National Park, California.

The woman, a lawyer whose name has not been revealed yet, said that the alleged alien spacecraft emerged on Saturday night during an exclusive skywatch event. Her story was reported to the Mutual UFO Network that probes about UFO cases around the globe.

Now, another report about the incident was filed with MUFON, which claims that there were, in fact, more UFOS, and that over a hundred people had seen the mysterious triangle formation.

Moreover, Kristie Cowans filed a report to MUFON that claims about an attempt by skywatchers CE-5 contact to call on the presence of UFOs by meditation prior to the phenomenon. She recalled that the event happened at 10 pm local time on Saturday and that she had her stargazing binoculars and a green laser, Express reported.

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