A private pilot from San Bernardino, California, claims to have engaged an orb-shaped metallic UFO in an aerial “dogfight.”

According to the unnamed witness in a testimony filed as Case 76954 in the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) reporting database, he encountered a mysterious orb-shaped UFO while flying a private aircraft over San Bernardino on June 5.

The encounter occurred at an altitude of about 1,000 feet AGL, soon after the pilot took off from the ground. The aerial “dog-fight” commenced after the alleged UFO approached the pilot’s plane within 300 feet.

The witness told MUFON the orb-shaped UFO was flying in the opposite direction when he first sighted it. It approached his aircraft and passed his left wing at a distance of about 300 feet.

He described the UFO as a “metallic orb,” about the size of a basketball. It reportedly had a strongly reflective surface.

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