A Colorado witness at Fountain reported watching a sphere-shaped orb UFO silently moving at the treetop level followed by three black helicopters, according to testimony in Case 79232 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness had just pulled into his driveway on September 19, 2016, and was outside his vehicle when the sound of an airplane was heard overhead.

“Living by an airport I know that no flights came in so late,” the witness stated.“So I stood in my driveway to see what kind of airplane it was. Suddenly I see a white orb of light going over the roof tops and over the trees. Not far behind were threeblack helicopters in a triangle-shaped flight pattern following the craft at very high speeds.”

The witness kept his eyes on the unusual looking craft.

“The craft then made a left hand turn towards the mountains. That’s when I see one of the helicopters intercept the craft, getting in front of it. That’s when I lose sight of the craft over the roofs of nearby houses.”

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