Alien hunters are reporting new uptick in alien UFO activity around Yellowstone geysers following reports that fears of a catastrophic super-eruption have spurred scientists to embark on a global initiative to monitor supervolcanoes closely for early warning signs.

New footage uploaded to YouTube purportedly shows glowing UFO orbs hovering, circling, passing to and fro over the Old Faithful Geyser at the Yellowstone National Park.

The latest alleged uptick in UFO activity over the Old Faithful Geyser would come as no surprise to UFO enthusiasts who have long claimed that the section of the Yellowstone National Park near the Old Faithful Geyser is the site of a major underground alien UFO base.

Alien hunters also claim that periodic upsurges in the frequency of sightings of UFOs over the area signal heightened concerns by alien volcanologists inhabiting the alleged underground bases that increased volcanic activity could lead to a major eruption.

The latest observation of increased UFO activity over Yellowstone comes after media reports of growing fears among experts that the Yellowstone supervolcano could erupt at any moment and threaten the survival of the global human population.

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