A North Carolina witness at Ayden reported discovering a UFO in video shot from a drone, according to testimony in Case 80053 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The 59-year-old witness is retired from the USAF with a 20-year military career who shot the footage at 2:12 p.m. on October 26, 2016.

“I thought I had seen it all,” the witness stated.“This footage took me back. I was flying my aerial camera from Ayden District Park. The skies were clear with unlimited visibility. I did not witness this object first hand; it wasn’t until I reviewed the 4K footage on my 4K TV that I first spotted the object on video.”

The witness explained the footage.

“I shoot in 4K/30fps and you can view this object in 10 frames as it flies towards and passes under my drone. During these 10 frames of viewing, this object travels three-quarter to one mile in one-third of a second – about 10,000 mph. The object appears to be solid and emitting its own light, or reflecting light.”

To read more and view the video, click here.