Alien hunters across the world believe in the existence of aliens and are in constant search for evidence that will prove it to others. It seems they have found yet another evidence. This time not on Earth, but in space. Interestingly, UFO like lights were caught on a camera aboard the International Space Station (ISS).

As soon as the astronaut who was holding the camera realized that the flying lights are being recorded in the camera, s/he deliberately tried to obstruct the view by placing his/her hand in front of the camera lens. The Secure10 UFO expert team caught the footage online and brought it to the notice of people, Mirror reported.

The same thing happened in another video in which a cartwheeling light source can be seen approaching towards the Earth. This has given yet another opportunity to the conspiracy theorists who firmly believe in existence of aliens in distant cosmic objects to attest the existence of extraterrestrial life.

The question that arises is, if NASA and other government authorities are well aware of the existence of alien life forms, then why are they trying to keep the truth from common people?

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