Imagine, you look up on a quiet night’s sky and you see a UFO craft flying over your head, how would you feel? Maybe you’d be totally terrified. Maybe you’d be curious. Maybe you wouldn’t believe your eyes, and would absolutely throw out any thought of extraterrestrial life lurking over your head.

Considered a pseudoscience in the mainstream scientific world, ufology, or the study of UFOs, is largely dismissed. Because we have learned to associate reality with what the majority accepts, anything that falls outside of this is considered taboo, which can, in many ways, be a good thing, as it keeps morality in check.

But UFOs aren’t something that fall within the moral compass. It’s a phenomenon that has, by skeptics and governments alike, been buried time and time again, despite the many accounts of aliens offered by powerful and intelligent individuals.

Every year, Phoenix, Arizona, hosts the International UFO Congress, the biggest annual gathering for ufology. There is a fervor in the air at such a gathering, with ufologists stuck in this dichotomy between trying to prove skeptics wrong while also simply exposing the truth through stories, evidence, and more.

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