If you’re a believer, you’re not alone. As of 2015, a poll found that over half of Americans believe in intelligent alien life. Everyone has their reasoning, but some arguments are more convincing than others. Those who believe they’ve seen a UFO often call any official explanation of the phenomenon a cover up, or an excuse to draw the public eye away from what “really” happened.

Science fiction movies encourage the true believers and UFO deniers alike. Movies such as Independence Day and even the recent Phoenix Forgotten cast alien visitors as anything but benevolent. Fictional aliens are often dangerous or simply curious, real or make-believe, and their relationships with humans are always complicated.

So, we put together a list of a few of the most convincing alien UFO stories and sightings out there, with explanations for both the believers and the deniers. Believe what you will — just don’t get yourself abducted for being a dick.

To read more, click here.