A gentleman named Mauricio Morales posted some remarkable pictures on the internet that ended up going fairly viral across social media. They were snaps of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs, which does not mean they are extraterrestrial in origin).

That being said, don’t be fooled, there is a tremendous amount of evidence pointing toward the fact that some of these UFOs, whose presence were officially acknowledged within the mainstream using declassified documents and hundreds of high ranking military/political whistleblowers, are indeed extraterrestrial in origin.

There is ample evidence suggesting that many are ‘ours’ as well.

We’ve written about this quite extensively, and if you want to learn more about that and sift through all of the evidence we’ve accumulated over the past 8 years, please visit the exopolitics section of our website here.  Another great place to start is with UFO researcher Richard Dolan.

Here’s Morales’ statement on what he experienced from his Facebook post:

To read more, click here.