Trump recently re-activated the National Space Council, at an event at the White House where several members of Congress, industry officials and Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin were in attendance. The council was last active at the end of the George H.W. bush administration in 1993. The council will advise the president with matters regarding setting space policy. It will also bring the government’s relationship with industry leaders, agencies, and private contractors closer.

Some are saying this will make secrecy even more rampant given the fact that private corporations will probably have more rule in space, but perhaps it’s the other way around. Space and space affairs in general have always been plagued with extreme amounts of secrecy already.  Here’s a great lecture on the secret space program.

This is even more intriguing because some of the leaders within this industry, like the founder of Bigelow Aerospace, Robert Bigelow, who recently confirmed in an interview that he knows that extraterrestrials are visiting the planet.

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