A recent news item involving UFOs has caught the public’s attention. A Navy pilot’s gun camera shows an unknown aerial object above the ocean near San Diego. It was performing aerial maneuvers not known to be possible by any U.S. technology. The pilot’s description of the object included the sensational phrase, "I can tell you, I think it was not from this world."

The government’s interest in this sort of sighting is that there may be a national defense issue involved. If the reported objects are from a potentially hostile nation, let’s say China or Russia, then of course they are possibly involved in reconnaissance or other activity that endangers our national security. If the phenomenon emanates from a smaller country, say Luxembourg, the scientific benefits are potentially enormous. If they emanate from Iran or North Korea, we are in grave military peril.

However, that scenario seems unlikely. Any nation that possesses such advanced technology would already be in a position to extort vast concessions from the United States and other nations. This kind of technology cannot exist in an industrial vacuum. A fleet of aircraft capable of what the UFOs have been reportedly performing would be part of a system that could overwhelm our defenses in short order. It has not happened.

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