Although intelligent life may exist on other planets, The Copernicus Complex by Caleb Scharf argues that Earth will still be special after all

In the 16th century, the Polish canon-cum- mathematician Nicolaus Copernicus suggested that Earth was not the unmoving centre of the universe; he claimed instead that our planet orbited the sun.

The idea that Earth is nowhere special has been reinforced by subsequent discoveries. Our solar system is far from the centre of our galaxy, and that galaxy is just one of an almost uncountable number of others.

For most of us, this idea is humbling. For astronomers and cosmologists, it is useful, allowing them to make general statements about the universe based on observations made from Earth. However, Earth is the only planet known to support life – intelligent life at that – and astrobiologist Caleb Scharf thinks we should prepare for the possibility that we are special in some way, after all.

Utter nonsense. Unless all those unidentified objects flying around in our skies are the products of deep black defense technology, or time travelors from our own future, the evidence obviously shows otherwise. To read more, click here.