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Updated: Are old secrets behind Lockheed's new fusion machine?
17 October 2014
Autodesk Genetic Engineer is Able to 3D Print Viruses, Soon to Attack Cancer Cells
17 October 2014
Did Jesus Save the Klingons?
17 October 2014
Magnetic mirrors enable new technologies by reflecting light in uncanny ways
17 October 2014
Spacecraft seek geysers without human help
17 October 2014
Lockheed Martin pursues compact fusion reactor concept
17 October 2014
Closing In On Quantum Computing
17 October 2014
A simple and versatile way to build 3-dimensional materials of the future
17 October 2014
Dark matter may have been detected – streaming from the sun’s core
17 October 2014
Will ET Pray? Extrasolar Planets, Extraterrestrial Life, and Religion
17 October 2014
Will Humans Start Colonizing Mars in Ten Years?
17 October 2014
Black-hole analogue works like a laser
15 October 2014
A new piece in the high-temperature superconductivity puzzle: 'Dressing' in superconductors
15 October 2014
Astronomers spot faraway Uranus-like planet: First 'ice giant' planet found in another solar system
15 October 2014
U.S. fusion plan draws blistering critique
15 October 2014
Exotic Propulsion Intiative at the Space Studies Institute
15 October 2014
The Dismal Future of Interstellar Travel(Not!)
15 October 2014
Superconductivity Claimed Above 95 Celsius
15 October 2014
Genetically Mass Produced Dragline Spider Silk Now Ready For Commercial Weaving
15 October 2014
Mind-Blowing $1.4 billion Thirty Meter Telescope begins construction in Hawaii
15 October 2014
Slippery when dry: Graphene proves a long-lasting lubricant
14 October 2014
New Exotic Particle Could Help Explain What Holds Matter Together
14 October 2014
Could "Copenhagen Wheel" reinvent the urban commute?
14 October 2014
Unstoppable magnetoresistance in a material
14 October 2014
Quantum test strengthens support for EPR steering
14 October 2014
Is matter falling into the massive black hole at the center of the Milky Way or being ejected from it?
14 October 2014
Graphene-Painted Batteries Could Revolutionize Electric Vehicles
14 October 2014
MIT demonstrates foldable graphene supercapacitor
14 October 2014
Paul March Reactionless Drive Interview
14 October 2014
DESTAR phased array laser systems for defending against asteroids and for space exploration
14 October 2014
Researchers make first observation of atoms moving inside bulk material
14 October 2014
Powerful quantum computers move a step closer to reality
14 October 2014
NASA plans missions to mine water on the moon
13 October 2014
Breakthrough Replicates Human Brain Cells for Use in Alzheimer’s Research
13 October 2014
Physicists set new records for silicon quantum computing
13 October 2014
Ultra-fast charging batteries that can be 70% recharged in just two minutes
13 October 2014
Desktop sonic black hole emits Hawking radiation
12 October 2014
A novel platform for future spintronic technologies
12 October 2014
Getting sharp images from dull detectors
11 October 2014
Cold fusion reactor verified by third-party researchers? Appears to have 1 million times the energy density of gasoline
10 October 2014
Theoretical exotic state of matter in which electrons barely interact with each other
10 October 2014
Z machine makes progress toward nuclear fusion
10 October 2014
Topological defects in the fabric of space and time
10 October 2014
Treating time travel quantum mechanically
10 October 2014
Microsoft’s Strange Quest for the Topological Qubit
10 October 2014
EXCLUSIVE: Apparent violation of no entanglement signaling theorem in orthodox quantum theory gedankenexperiment, Oct 9, 2014
10 October 2014
BREAKTHROUGH: Conscious Brain-to-Brain Communication in Humans Using Non-Invasive Technologies
10 October 2014
Hypothetical new cosmological model known as Higgsogenesis
10 October 2014
Two new strange and charming particles appear at LHC
10 October 2014
A cold-atom ammeter: Superfluid current is only as strong as its weak link
10 October 2014
Temperature and water vapor on an exoplanet mapped
10 October 2014
Discovery of new subatomic particle sheds light on fundamental force of nature
10 October 2014
Giving Graphene a Rest
10 October 2014
Gravity rivals join forces to nail down Big G
10 October 2014
An Industrial-Size Generator That Runs on Waste Heat, Using No Fuel
10 October 2014
Dark matter is only half what we thought, say scientists
10 October 2014
Inside exotic dead stars are densely packed waffle-like piles of protons and neutrons: A clue to new materials design?
08 October 2014
University of Washington fusion reactor concept could be cheaper than coal
08 October 2014
'Endless possibilities' for bio-nanotechnology
08 October 2014
Who was the real Abdus Salam?
08 October 2014
How 3-D Printing is Revolutionizing the Display of Big Data
08 October 2014
The Search for the Fingerprints of Life on Mars Begins
08 October 2014
Tuning materials with light?: A quick look at electron-boson coupling
08 October 2014
'Alien life found above Derbyshire proves we're descended from extraterrestrials' say scientists
08 October 2014
EXCLUSIVE: US State Department, DOD use of psi in intelligence collection
08 October 2014
New mechanism of photoconduction could lead to next-generation excitonic devices
07 October 2014
Discriminating Dark Matter from Neutrinos
07 October 2014
Nobel laureates call for a revolutionary shift in how humans use resources
07 October 2014
Lighting Sheets Would Use Half as Much Power as Lightbulbs
07 October 2014
New technique allows scientists to identify populations of rare stem cells in bone marrow
07 October 2014
$50 Million For Research On Extraterrestrials, Origin Of Life Through NASA Ames’ Astrobiology Institute Announced
07 October 2014
Majorana quasiparticles glimpsed in magnetic chains
06 October 2014
NASA Considering Deep Sleep Stasis For Mars Mission
06 October 2014
Quantum robotics - using quantum computing to accelerate machine learning
06 October 2014
[J. Bradford DeLong] Danger of the rise of the robots
05 October 2014
Why Coconuts Could Be The Hydrogen Storage Material Of The Future
04 October 2014
Vast glaciers carved out Martian Grand Canyon
03 October 2014
Batteries included: A solar cell that stores its own power
03 October 2014
New method for detecting water on Mars
03 October 2014
Crumpled graphene could provide an unconventional energy storage
03 October 2014
Magnetic Fields Encourage Cellular Reprogramming
03 October 2014
REVEALED: The incredible picture that 'PROVES' aliens DO exist
03 October 2014
How Do Aliens Think? We Need To Learn About Their Biology First, Analyst Argues
03 October 2014
A Majority of Atheists Believe in Extraterrestrial Life
02 October 2014
Aliens May be Out There, but Too Distant for Contact
02 October 2014
Making the Case for a Mission to the Martian Moon Phobos
02 October 2014
Scientists Have Found A Crystal That Can Let You Breathe Underwater
02 October 2014
Superposition revisited: Proposed resolution of double-slit experiment paradox using Feynman path integral formalism
02 October 2014
Did Cancer Evolve to Protect Us?
02 October 2014
What It Will Take for Computers to Be Conscious
02 October 2014
A new approach to on-chip quantum computing
02 October 2014
New Particle Is Both Matter and Antimatter
02 October 2014
Why Google's next big thing could be a warp-speed supercomputer
02 October 2014
The expert guide to space colonies
02 October 2014
New approach to fusion delivers copious neutrons
01 October 2014
Platinum meets its match in quantum dots from coal: New catalyst for fuel cells outperforms platinum
01 October 2014
Dark Energy Discernment Dithers over Quantum Jitters or an Undetected Field
01 October 2014
Here's Why A Leading Futurist Hopes We Don't Find Life On Mars
01 October 2014
Thin-shell wormholes supported by total normal matter
30 September 2014
Duke's lemurs may hold key to deep space travel
30 September 2014
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