How can you check if two quantum devices produce equivalent results? This question comes up frequently in the race to build bigger and better quantum computers. For example, suppose you have a small quantum device that you know is working, but you want to improve it, say, by adding more quantum bits (qubits). Is the new device producing the same answers? Or suppose a manufacturer builds a device from a prototype. Will the two devices perform equally? Now a team of researchers led by Rainer Blatt and Peter Zoller at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Innsbruck has found a novel solution to this dilemma [1]. Their method uses a simple set of randomly chosen measurements and is much more efficient than previous approaches. Their work makes it possible, for the first time, to directly compare quantum devices across platforms and even compare devices with different types of physical qubits sitting in different labs.
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