In 1975 while living in La Luz, New Mexico,  U. S. Navy Vietnam Vet (1966 – 1969) Stephen P. was working for the Dept. of Defense Land-Air Division at Holloman AFB on White Sands Missile Range as a generator maintenance mechanic. He was on his way home from the White Sands Russ Site (radar) driving on La Luz Gate Road when he saw “two small grey beings wearing what looked like brown beach towels over their shoulders” just east of the First Baptist Church not far from La Luz Creek.

Stephen P. said they were about 3 to 3.5 or 4 feet tall, so at first he thought they were two children walking stiff-legged side-to-side like kids will do when they lock their knees for fun. Stephen also thought the two were wearing identical, what looked like brown beach towels draped over their shoulders.

“But when I got up right beside them with the headlights (of my car) cast on them,” he told me in an April 4, 2020, recorded interview, “I saw one of them’s profile from the side of his head. And it really spooked me!”

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