"The risk of sensitive information falling into the wrong hands could be eliminated by a new quantum communication process that delivers unprecedented security." - Oh really? Want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge? Invest in Bernie Madoff? ;-)
"Like Brian Greene's hyping of string theory on NOVA, like string theorists on Wall Street inventing the financial derivatives that Warren Buffett called WMD, which helped precipitate the world financial meltdown of September 2008 with the multi-trillion dollar tax payer burden, all the hoopla about secure quantum communication may turn out to be more snake oil because it neglects the loophole of signal nonlocality as well as another loophole that the initial preparation of the supposedly secure quantum system has some initial errors that can be exploited for tapping. The situation here is far from settled. The Fat Lady has definitely not sung. Reader beware all such claims as possible pseudo-physics even if from venerable prestige physics departments that have degenerated into shadows of their former selves." Jack Sarfatti