"It was first suggested in [3,4] that near the horizon of a charged black hole
there is in operation a geometrical mechanism parametrized
by a charged scalar field of breaking a local U(1)
gauge symmetry. Then it was suggested to use the gauge/
gravity duality to construct gravitational duals of the transition
from normal to superconducting states in the boundary
theory [4].
The gravity dual of a superconductor consists of a
system with a black hole and a charged scalar field,

Holographic superconductors with various condensates in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity

Qiyuan Pan1,2 and Bin Wang1
1Department of Physics, Fudan University, 200433 Shanghai, China
2Institute of Physics and Department of Physics, Hunan Normal University, 410081, Changsha, China
Eleftherios Papantonopoulos
Department of Physics, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou Campus GR 157 73, Athens, Greece
Jeferson de Oliveira and A. B. Pavan
Instituto de Fisica, Universidade de Sao Paulo, C.P.66.318, CEP 05315-970, Sao Paulo, Brazil
(Received 17 December 2009; published 13 May 2010)

"The discovery of black hole entropy and thermodynamics
[1] reveals a rather general and profound relation
between gravity and thermodynamics. Later, based on the
area law of entropy for all local acceleration horizons, the
Einstein equations were derived from the first law of
thermodynamics ...
Verlinde derived the Einstein equations [5] from the
equipartition rule of energy and the holographic principle ...
The recovery of the correct entropy/area relation in the
relativistic case is certainly helpful to clarify some subtle
points in this case in Verlinde’s discussion, and to further
investigate the microscopic, or statistical, meaning of the
gravitational thermodynamics..."

Thermodynamics of black holes from equipartition of energy and holography
Yu Tian*
College of Physical Sciences, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Xiao-Ning Wu†
Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and System Science, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
and Hua Loo-Keng Key Laboratory of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
(Received 15 March 2010; published 6 May 2010)
'A gravitational potential in the relativistic case is introduced as an alternative to Wald’s potential used
by Verlinde, which reproduces the familiar entropy/area relation S = A/4 (in the natural units) when
Verlinde’s idea is applied to the black hole case. Upon using the equipartition rule, the correct form of the
Komar mass (energy) can also be obtained, which leads to the Einstein equations. It is explicitly shown
that our entropy formula agrees with Verlinde’s entropy variation formula in spherical cases. The
stationary space-times, especially the Kerr-Newman black hole, are then discussed, where it is shown
that the equipartition rule involves the reduced mass, instead of the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner mass, on the
horizon of the black hole."
PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 104013 (2010)

Also, the Chinese think they can get Electrodynamics from BIT

Coulomb force as an entropic force

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Tower Wang*
Center for High-Energy Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

Received 5 February 2010; published 27 May 2010

Motivated by Verlinde’s theory of entropic gravity, we give a tentative explanation to the Coulomb’s law with an entropic force. When trying to do this, we find the equipartition rule should be extended to charges and the concept of temperature should be reinterpreted. If one accepts the holographic principle as well as our generalizations and reinterpretations, then Coulomb’s law, the Poisson equation, and the Maxwell equations can be derived smoothly. Our attempt can be regarded as a new way to unify the electromagnetic force with gravity, from the entropic origin. Possibly some of our postulates are related to the D-brane picture of black hole thermodynamics.

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