Physicists looking for a way to test their theory about strings might make more progress if they tangle them up.

String theory — equations that aspire to explain all of nature’s particles and forces — has extended its reach to the strange quantum behavior known as entanglement, physicists report September 2 in
Physical Review Letters. Repurposing string theory mathematics allowed physicists to solve a hard problem involving entanglement, a strange feature at the heart of quantum mechanics. In doing so, the new study also points out a way to test whether the co-opted string theory equations are actually correct.

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"My theory of emergent curved space-time connects the Penrose-Newman retarded and advanced null tetrad to entangled 4 qubit two-spinor strings. Therefore, the above claim does not at all surprise me." -- Jack Sarfatti Sept 4, 2010.


[10] viXra:1005.0095 submitted on 24 May 2010

Mapping Penrose-Rindler Null Tetrads to the Advanced and Retarded Wheeler-Feynman-Aharonov Destiny & History Null Tetrads
Authors: Jack Sarfatti
Category: Relativity and Cosmology
[9] viXra:1005.0060 submitted on 14 May 2010

The Galois Solvable Fourth Roots of Reality
Authors: Jack Sarfatti
Category: Quantum Gravity and String Theory