Brian is a Nobel Physics Laureate, Fellow of the Royal Society, Professor at Cambridge University who has been under vicious under-hand attacks for years by some very powerful physicists who are upset and intolerant of his unpopular ideas about the paranormal and other taboo topics. 

'From the viewpoint of the theoretical physicist' here means that there is a particular concern with general principles and the way these may help to reshape one's perspective on a problem. One of my guiding principles, also, has been the scientist's motto 'Take nobody's word for it' (nullius in verba), a corollary of which is that if scientists as a whole denounce an idea this should not necessarily be taken as proof that the said idea is absurd: rather, one should examine carefully the alleged grounds for such opinions and judge how well these stand up to detailed scrutiny. - Brian Josephson Click here

I have lectured and written about the scientific taboo that prohibits scientists from openly studying psi. One way this prejudice manifests is by being invited to give a lecture at a scientific conference, and then finding yourself disinvited after someone on the conference committee discovers that the invitee has an interest in parapsychology. The idea of psi is so troubling to this person that he or she (mostly he) insists that the committee cancel the invitation. One can imagine the hysterics that must accompany this request. - Dean Radin
Click  here.

The irony is that Antony Valentini's work on post-quantum signal nonlocality violating the no-cloning a quantum theorem pulls the rug out from under the basic postulates of quantum information theory permitting "espionage" (Valentini's term) and opening Pandora's Box to a real physics understanding of the paranormal as well as ordinary consciousness (1). This includes the CIA Remote Viewing studies at SRI in the 70's (Puthoff & Targ). It was Valentini who wrote that he did the dis-invites on his own initiative against Mike Towler's will. The intelligence agencies of all the major powers are very interested in this kind of new physics, a fact that adds a surreal X-Files Twilight Zone Outer Limits cloak and dagger dimension to this whole affair.

(1) "presponse" see the popular books by Roger Penrose (Shadows of the Mind, Emperor's New Mind on Ben Libet's experiments at UCSF, and the homepage of Dick Bierman as well as Dean Radin's book Entangled Minds.