Brian Josephson first suggested this in a paper with Pallikari. Thaheld's notion of information transfer without energy transfer was first suggested by me in MIT Technology Review 1976 cited in an article by Martin Gardner and a letter from me. It was further discussed by Robert Anton Wilson in "The Cosmic Trigger." I can neither endorse nor debunk the biological ideas in this paper. I leave that to experts like Stuart Hameroff et-al.

"For over 7 decades it has been debated as to whether nonlocality is strictly of an uncontrollable nature. Based upon polarization measurements with entangled photons, it has been revealed that nonlocality cannot be used to achieve controllable superluminal communication. A simple series of experiments is proposed which may reveal that a rudimentary form of controllable superluminal communication is possible, using human neural stem cells mounted on microelectrode arrays, subject to laser stimulation at varying Hz levels."

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