My opinion. Joe has found several more videos that in his expert opinion are obvious fakes. You can't trust anything these days. (KB: I would tend to agree at this point, but remain open minded, although both videos originating from the same internet source raises a red flag.)

From: Ye olde Facebook
Date: May 23, 2010 4:16:53 PM PDT
To: Jack Sarfatti
Subject: Joe Kleinberg spoke about yer hoist...
Reply-To: Respond to Blabberins
Joe Kleinberg scribbled somethin' on yer hoist:

Fake. I have shot video from airplane windows. It is bumpy as hell, and there are always reflections in the ice covered windows.

Additionally, I recognize the effects filters used. It is Aftereffects work. Particles, knoll lens flair, etc.

I have worked in special effects ; )

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T' spy on all th' parrots scratchin at th' door, stab the link below:

Thank ye,
Th' Admiralty