"I just noticed this. The source of this news is unreliable. In my opinion the claim is uncorroborated and I don't believe it." - Jack Sarfatti on May 26, 2010.
Plans by the Chinese government to build a UFO and alien embassy in the Kunlun Mountains near the Tibetan region have recently been leaked.The Chinese Government has been increasingly absorbed with the question as to why over the last ten years sightings of alien origin UFOs have become so frequent. The conclusion that has been reached is that a new golden age for China is being ushered in that parallels a golden age that occurred over 3000 years ago. At that time UFO and alien encounters were also extremely common. In that era it is believed that the 'Three Wise Kings' collaborated with aliens to create human beings in laboratories in the Kunlun Mountains. It has been confirmed by the Chinese government that ancient UFO bases still lie deep in this mountain range.