Bob Bigelow is like Howard Hughes. He has his own private satellite and has funded UFO research. He owns a Utah Ranch where it is alleged that ETs pop out of Star Gates and have had battles with Bigelow's armed staff. We do not know if these rumors are true, but Bigelow's alleged recent remarks to the New York Times seem to support the rumor. Click here. Reader beware. We are not claiming the story reported by Bekkum here is true, only that it is very strange and Bekkum does accurately report what I was told in London in late March of 2004 in the same room with Nick Cook.
The woman in the white hat in the back told the story. Nick Cook is sitting in the back center. Grant Stapleton
in white shirt is standing behind Nick. Grant was in the room with me and Nick when the woman in the white hat
told her strange tale that she attributed to Jacques Vallee who subsequently denied the story. I am in the beret.
More photographic evidence is at