See David Mosier's critique of this allegation above.

Particularly the following:

Assorted documents from or related to the operation of the National Military Command Center (NMCC) and UFO's (5,337K Bytes). This file contains the following documents:
MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD, subject: AFB [Loring, ME] Penetration, dated 29 October 1975, and related materials, 17 pages.
MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD, subject: Low Flying Aircraft/Helicopter Sightings at Wurtsmith AFB MI, dated 31 October 1975 and related materials, 4 pages.
DDO UPDATE, dated 8 November 1975, subject: UFO Sightings, 1 page.
DDO UPDATE, dated 3 November 1975, subject: North Dakota (Penetration of Flight Line), 1 page.
DDO TALKER, dated 9 November 1975, subject: UFO Sighting, 1 page.
MESSAGE, 230810Z SEP 76, UFO Sighting In Iran, 3 pages.
DDO UPDATE, dated 11 November 1975, subject: CJCS Comments RE UFO Incident, 1 page.
MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD, subject: Unidentified Sightings, dated 8 November 1975, 2 pages.
DDO UPDATE, dated 13 November 1975, subject: UFO Analysis, 1 page.
MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD, subject: Request for Temperature Inversion Analysis, dated 13 November 1975, 1 page.
MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD, subject: Report of UFO - Cannon AFB NM, dated 21 January 1976, 1 page.
MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD, subject: UFO Sighting, dated 31 January 1976, 1 page.
MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD, subject: Reports of UFO's, dated 30 July 1976, 2 pages.
Miscellaneous Papers from NMCC (???) or other source, 4 pages.
-- researched by Kim Burrafato

Now, if the Iranians, the Chinese et-al believe this, that's important, whether or not it's true does not really matter. Personally, I accept it's true until proved it's not, because such "sci fi" spooky telepathic psychokinetic super-weaponry is certainly consistent with where my physics research (e.g. Antony Valentini's "signal nonlocality"), at least, is heading.

Subquantum Information and Computation
Antony Valentini
(Submitted on 11 Mar 2002 (v1), last revised 12 Apr 2002 (this version, v2))
"It is argued that immense physical resources - for nonlocal communication, espionage, and exponentially-fast computation - are hidden from us by quantum noise, and that this noise is not fundamental but merely a property of an equilibrium state in which the universe happens to be at the present time. It is suggested that 'non-quantum' or nonequilibrium matter might exist today in the form of relic particles from the early universe. We describe how such matter could be detected and put to practical use. Nonequilibrium matter could be used to send instantaneous signals, to violate the uncertainty principle, to distinguish non-orthogonal quantum states without disturbing them, to eavesdrop on quantum key distribution, and to outpace quantum computation (solving NP-complete problems in polynomial time)."