Time Magazine, in a rather late-in-the-game and not-at-all-close-to-being-a-timely article, reinforces that more than two-week-old private plane theory out of China.
China continues to insist that it was likely a defiant illegally flying billionaire pilot that caused airport officials to shut down Xiaoshan Airport on July 7th.
Time Magazine, in partnership with CNN (who were also quick to call the July 7th incident a hoax), published this semi-informative and not-at-all timely article on Monday.
"Likely a defiant illegally flying billionaire pilot?" I saw that explanation coming a month ago. How stupid do they think we are? But such insulting garbage is to be expected from a communist dictatorship and the increasingly decrepit American MSM. No wonder their circulation and viewers are dropping precipitously. Maybe they should just move their operations to China. After all, it's a huge, untapped market, and labor costs are far cheaper over there, and employees far more obedient and compliant. And since Time and CNN (a.k.a. Slime and See No News) are both pros at mouthing the official government line, it would be a great fit. To read the rest of the article, click here.