An Aug. 27, 2010, commentary by NBC News space analyst James Oberg about the new book by journalist Leslie Kean, "UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record," seems thought-provoking.

The article, posted on, is titled "UFO book based on questionable foundation."

Oberg is a 22-year veteran of Houston's NASA Mission Control in Houston and has written books himself on the subjects of space exploration and space policy.

A main element of his article is that military and civilian pilots are not necessarily the reliable observers we might think them to be.

Oberg asks, "If we trust pilots to carry us through the air safely, and to guard our nation's skies, then why can't we trust what they tell us about their encounters with unidentified flying objects?"

I read Oberg's article, and if this is the best the institutional debunking establishment can do, then their End may be near.  To read the rest of the article, click here.