This month the National Radio Astronomy Observatory’s Green Bank Science Center is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the modern day search for extraterrestrial intelligence, or SETI.

In 1960 a young radio astronomer, Frank Drake, undertook a bold and visionary experiment: He used the 85-foot dish antenna at Green Bank, W.Va. to listen for radio signals from extraterrestrial civilizations.

Drake recently retired from the SETI Institute in California without finding his aliens. He’s not alone.  As early as the turn of the last century Nicola Tesla and the father of radio, Guglielmo Marconi, were independently listening for signals from Martians.

This half-century of searching among the stars leaves me a little chagrined because I’ve accused UFO believers of coming up equally empty-handed in over 60 years of chasing flying saucer “ghost stories.” After decades, both enterprises have absolutely zero, zilch, nothing of any consequence to convince us of life elsewhere in space.

Even worse, the SETI effort has suffered collateral damage from the UFO silliness.

Bullshit.  The SETI effort has suffered nothing compared to what we, the public, have suffered from the mainstream media's "silliness" regarding their transparently negative and intellectually dishonest bias against the subject of UFOs.  Labeling the worldwide UFO phenomenon as "silliness" demeans this enormously important subject.  It's the typical credibility death by media decree syndrome.  They call you silly, therefore you are.  The media is not doing their job because they are being told not to do their job by their "owners."  But we know that's not news.  To read the rest of this MSNBC "silliness," i.e. MSMBS garbage, click here.