The comprehensive and credible news coverage of a unique press briefing this week indicates that the topics of UFOs and extraterrestrial visitation to Earth are now a reasonable subject of serious journalism.

When former Air Force officers and other military men presented credible information in Washington last Monday about unidentified aerial objects in close proximity to sensitive U.S. military facilities, American newspapers, magazines, TV networks and media organizations of all kinds generally covered the story in professional ways.

Is it a real paradigm shift for responsible and mature journalistic coverage of this unconventional topic? It may be.

I'd like to believe that we have reached a tipping point with regards to the mainstream media's hitherto biased coverage (and non-coverage!) of the UFO phenomenon, but I think it's a little premature to conclude that.  I'm waiting for that day when there is a mass UFO flyover of major American cities, which might be in the near future from what I've been hearing through back channels. It'll be fun watching them squirm and crowchoke.  To read the rest of the article, click here.