A summary of the UFO sightings on planet Earth on October 13, 2010 included an alleged mass UFO sighting over New York City, an alleged disappearance of an entire village in the Qinlin mountains (China), UFOs over the Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco), UFO sightings in Malaysia, Ohio and in Texas. In short, a relatively normal – and not so normal – day for UFO activity.One researcher claims, ‘A full UFO/ET ‘decloaking did occur on October 13, 2010. OK, there does appear to have been a mass decloaking on October 13. The Canadian ex-NORAD officer stands vindicated. The most impressive display was the decloaking over New York City, which went on through the day and night. But sightings were also reported in a number of other places, including Seattle, San Francisco, Orlando, Puerto Rico, and Malaysia. If I’m correct these other sightings were not mass decloakings like over New York.”
I'm standing by my earlier prediction of some kind of major UFO-related event happening on October 23rd. To read the rest of the article, click here.