Schools across the United Kingdom are practicing drills where school children bear witness to a nearby UFO crash and then go about investigating it, learning if it is safe, and interviewing witnesses to the events. But even as parents are showing up at the strange mandatory drills, a few are raising questions about why it's suddenly necessary to inform their children about UFO crashes. And now information surrounding the programs is being edited or wholesale removed on several news sites about the programs.
It may sound strange, but it's actually a part of the curriculum for children in the United Kingdom in some schools. Police are mobilized and set up elaborate simulated UFO crashes and then are given guidance on how to check around the area, ask pertinent questions, are encouraged to examine the safety level of radiation and other possible problems, and then write up reports which are then submitted to the police and/or the students' teachers. While the spirit of the program is largely good fun, and there is little evidence of anything more than a simple roleplaying scenario playing out for the sake of learning, the specific circumstances seem strange to many interested UFOlogists.
Perhaps the strangest aspect of the programs is the presence of police almost every single time. When was the last time the police were called in to assist a European history lesson or even a lesson teaching the Magna Carta? In researching the matter, police are often utilized by schools in order to teach about public safety and drug avoidance policy as well as "life choices" type classes. And yet the police are not only involved in these programs, but actively participating in the creation and implementation of several of the craft and the occupants making several wonder about the real intentions of such a program.