Two Maine witnesses report a triangle UFO 100 yards away and "40 feet off the tops of the pines" while something appeared to be moving around at ground level below with a light at 6:30 p.m. on November 24, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The two friends had gone to a nearby ridge area to test a second-hand four-wheel-drive vehicle one of them had purchased, according to the reporting witness. They stopped the vehicle and cut off the headlights, noticed the hovering triangle object, and then saw the light at ground level.

"It was to the right of the truck about 100 yards, and it was kinda shiny and just the corners were lit up on it," the reporting witness stated. "It was in the shape of a triangle, maybe 40 foot off the tops of the pines. But as I was just about to ask my friend what he thought it was, the tops of the pines lit up about 100 feet from us, so my friend shut the truck off including the parking lights in seconds flat, cause something was on the ground with a light and it was looking for something."

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