Here's an interesting email exchange below regarding the insulting corporate media bull puckey story above:

From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date: April 4, 2010 9:38:39 AM PDT
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject: Re: NO ETs! Area 51 vets break silence: Sorry but NO space ALIENS or    UFOs!

George Knapp wrote:

The suggestion in this newspaper story that Groom Lake honchos
are privately chortling over the UFO allegations because so many of us
fell for their fairy tale is, I think, a disingenuous, self-serving,
and revisionist account. Maybe I'm wrong, but if this was a planned
disinfo project, a smokescreen to distract attention from something else
that was being tested at A-51, it was a miserable failure. That CIA
paper mentioned above made the argument that many, if not most, of the
UFO sightings from the late 50's thru the 70's were misidentifications
of the secret spy planes based at Groom.  It is a preposterous
assertion, for reasons I don't need to spell out for this email list. It
looks like an fairly feeble attempt to rewrite history, but it
worked --- a long list of news organizations bought it and reported it
with little or no critical analysis. And now we are being told that the
UFO stories were most likely manufactured by disinfo experts, and that
many of us took the bait.

Regarding "preposterous", in case anyone thinks it isn't preposterous,

A point of amusement: the CIA historian who wrote the article cited
above (Haines) asked me to review it before he published.  It was
classified at the SECRET level at the time.  When I came to the section
on the U-2 and how Haines had been told that "more than 50%" of UFO
sightings in the latter 1950's were of the U-2 I laughed to myself (LMAO) and
then told him that he would "get into trouble" with ufologists as a
result ofhis uncritical treatent of the 50% claim.   A few months later certain
references that he used in the article were removed and it was
downgraded to UNC (unclassified) and published in Studies in Intelligence.
Meanwhile, I did the historical research cited in the "explaination"
paper (yes, Iknow it is misspelled; done by the guy who created my web site and I
have never bothered to correct it) and made it available days after the
Studies article came out.   Unfortunately the press did not pick up on
this until a month or more later and the press never did cite my
refutation of the claim.

-----Original Message-----
From: mc47 <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
To: George Knapp <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Sent: Sun, Apr 4, 2010 8:06 am
Subject: Re: NO ETs! Area 51 vets break silence: Sorry but NO space

Thanks George. Couple things, compartmentalization is a thing
I experienced at FTD, it was a fact of life. Yes, we could be
buddies with each other, but we couldn't tell each other unless you
were "cleared," and we couldn't tell our wives, kids or girlfriends.
JFK didn't tell his wife, but he told his mistresses.

Kit Green said he was at Area 51 and NO aliens. Gene Lakes said he
knew Kit Green, he was on the access list, but not the right one....Rmc

George Knapp wrote:

The newspaper story is interesting and well written--but it is curious
on a couple of levels.

First, it surely is not  a 'bombshell disclosure'. (No offense
to Victor.)  Everything in this piece has been reported previously,
much of it by yours truly. For the Seattle Times to suggest this is a
new revelation is simply not true. which is why I'm surprised it
has received so much attention.  Also of interest is the report in the
same paper (in the same edition, I believe) about the CIA "study" from a
few years ago about the agency's historical involvement with the UFO
issue. That article by a CIA historian is familiar to everyone on this
list and was generally dismissive of the overall UFO question. Why is
this a news story now?  What's new?  Maybe the next issue of the Seattle
Times will report the big scoop that Project Blue Book has been shut down
bythe USAF. Stop the presses.