It's a hoax - April 13, 2010 - see above update.

Two fighter jets are filmed whizzing over the M5 - apparently in pursuit of a UFO.

A mystery cameraman took footage of the military aircraft chasing the shiny orb.

To read the rest of the article, click here.

Real or fake? The Sun is not reliable - like National Enquirer in the States.
Some skeptical feedback:

Rock Roll 
i know some stuff about film and film editing. just think about this: you see a pan on the two jets and then back on the ufo. if you consider the speed of the planes they should get to it while the camera is on the ufo again. and many people would notice such an event anyway, don't you think?


Jack Sarfatti 
Cool. Thanks for your intelligent comment. :-)
24 shots o' rum ago · 
Rock Roll
Rock Roll 
where's the rest of the footage? it looks like it was shot with a preatty good hd camera. it should have in order to support the CGI without obvious image resolution loss
22 shots o' rum ago · 
Rock Roll
Rock Roll 
21 shots o' rum ago · 
Jack Sarfatti
Jack Sarfatti 
I don't know. The article is The Sun not too reliable. One cannot believe photos or videos without expert analysis.
16 shots o' rum ago · 
Rock Roll
Rock Roll 
Yeah, The Sun... well, an expert just analyzed it. It's a fake! :))