Do clocks run slower the closer they are to a nuclear reactor? Griffith University researchers are aiming to find out as they test a revolutionary new theory that may overturn how time and space is viewed.

Working with atomic clocks from the National Measurement Institute (NMI) and anti-neutrinos from Australian Nuclear Science and Technology’s (ANSTO) research reactor, Associate Professor Erik Streed from the Centre for Quantum Dynamics, will test colleague and theoretical physicist Professor Joan Vaccaro’s quantum theory of time.

The theory allows for a possible universe that is static and unchanging.  It proposes that the fact that we do see things change over time is not a built-in feature of nature, but rather is caused by a fundamental break in time reversal symmetry, called ‘T violation’.

“If correct, it will overturn the way we think about time and space as well as fundamental laws, such as the conservation of mass,’’ Professor Vaccaro said.

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