There are three important things you should know regarding that story that just keeps buzzing about the Harvard astronomer who says an alien spacecraft may have passed through our solar system:

• The search for alien intelligence is one of the most compelling and important endeavors in modern science, but...

• ...the interstellar object known as 'Oumuamua is not the long-sought evidence demonstrating the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.

• And FYI, you don't have to feel shy about not knowing how to pronounce 'Oumuamua. Just say, "oh MOO uh MOO uh," as if you were greeting two cows.

In case you're not familiar with the story of 'Oumuamua, here's a quick recap. In October of 2017, a postdoc researcher named Robert Weryk, working with the Pan-STARRS telescope in Hawaii, detected a peculiar object moving away from the Sun at high speed. Its extreme, hyperbolic orbit indicated that the object was not a member of our solar system. It must have originated from far beyond, somewhere in interstellar space.

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