The US Pentagon is planning a new 'weapon of mass destruction' that involves thousands of drones that strike by air, land and water to destroy enemy defenses - but experts fear humans could lose control of the 'swarms.'

The top-secret project, dubbed AMASS (Autonomous Multi-Domain Adaptive Swarms-of-Swarms), would represent automated warfare on an unprecedented scale.

AMASS is still in the planning stages, but DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) has been collecting bids from suppliers for the $78 million contract.

Small drones would be equipped with weapons and tools for navigation and communication, along with abilities ranging from radar jamming to launching lethal attacks.

While the technology would change how the US goes to war, experts in the industry raise concerns.

Zachary Kallenborn, a policy fellow at George Mason University in Virginia, said: 'As the swarm grows in size, it'll become virtually impossible for humans to manage the decisions.'

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