A NASA study released in early April attempted to explain something in outer space that is breaking the laws of physics.

Astronomers first identified ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs), which exude roughly 10 million times more energy than our sun, in a study published in 2022. The objects were described by NASA as being more than 100 times brighter than the laws of physics should allow them to be, but astronomers were hoping the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) X-ray telescope would offer solutions to this bizarre occurrence.

Alas, NuSTAR observations confirmed that at least one specific ULX, called M82 X-2 (a neutron star), is definitely too bright to fit with the physical law called the Eddington limit. This limit determines how bright something can be based on its size. Those items that exceed the limit are expected to blow into pieces, according to LiveScience.

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