New research shows that space travel slowly kills you due to the effects of zero gravity on the immune system. Engineers that plan future human space missions already mitigate a range of known hazards from traveling in space, including things like radiation and bone loss, so this latest research only adds to the growing list of things that make space travel particularly dangerous to humans.
Longer and More Complex Space Missions Reveal More Ways Space Travel Kills You

As humanity travels deeper and deeper into space, including upcoming missions to the moon and Mars, technological advancements will be needed to keep these astronauts safe and healthy. Some of the worst effects of radiation in space have been somewhat mitigated by shielding during flight, but fears of long-term exposure may force would-be space colonists to live underground.

Gravity is another issue. More specifically, the lack of gravity experienced by humans in space has proven to be particularly challenging. Some exercise and resistance training have helped, but over time, astronauts tend to lose significant bone and muscle mass. There are also deleterious effects on human eyes, hearts, and other organs from long-term exposure to zero-g environments.

Now, a research team says that a weakening immune system may also result from time on zero-g, with the worst effects resulting in a decreased resistance to infection, latent viruses, and even cancer.

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