Quantum behavior is a strange, fragile thing that hovers on the edge of reality, between a world of possibility and a Universe of absolutes. In that mathematical haze lies the potential of quantum computing; the promise of devices that could quickly solve algorithms that would take classic computers too long to process.

For now, quantum computers are confined to cool rooms close to absolute zero (-273 degrees Celsius) where particles are less likely to tumble out of their critical quantum states.

Breaking through this temperature barrier to develop materials that still exhibit quantum properties at room temperatures has long been the goal of quantum computing. Though the low temperatures help keep the particle's properties from collapsing out of their useful fog of possibility, the bulk and expense of the equipment limits their potential and ability to be scaled up for general use.

In one latest attempt, a team of researchers from the University of Texas, El Paso has developed a highly magnetic quantum computing material that retains its magnetism at room temperature – and doesn't contain any high-demand rare earth minerals.

"I was really doubting its magnetism, but our results show clearly superparamagnetic behavior," says Ahmed El-Gendy, senior author and physicist at the University of Texas, El Paso.

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