California-based Shield AI has unveiled its new V-BAT Teams system, enabling more V-BAT drones to work together. Partly a gambit to join the U.S. Department of Defense's (DoD) "Replicator" initiative, the company hopes to sell the technology to interested international consumers too.

V-BAT Teams is a system being developed to allow multiple V-BATs (standing for Vertical Take-off and Landing Small Unmanned Aerial Systems) to execute missions autonomously, even in environments where electronic interference is present. The system allegedly enables the V-BATs to read and react to potential hostiles, environmental conditions, and other V-BATs executing the same mission. Enabled by a combination of a new modular Nvidia GPU upgrade, and Shield AI's proprietary AI-pilot software "Hivemind," V-BAT Teams could prove a game-changer for the industry.

"The company hopes to sell the technology to interested international consumers too." Might that include potential terrorists? Just askin'.

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