An object came into atmosphere and exploded in 2014 at approximately 45km /sec, indicating a free fall from interstellar space, with incandescent debris falling into ocean north off of Papua New Guinea.Track indicates disassembly into shower of molten droplets occurred deep in atmosphere despite high speed of entry and shows object had very high mechanical strength and heat resistance. Iron rich spherules were collected magnetically off ofthe ocean bottom.The near absence of nickel in the spherules argues against the possibility that this object was a product of natural processes. Fe isotopes are extrasolar, and the spherules also show enhanced relative abundance pattern of certain elements over standard Solar/ CI relative abundances with exceptionally high relative abundances of Be, Li, U and La. Abundances of Al and Ti plus Fe are also elevated also over normal relative Solar/ CI abundances and are approximately consistent with thermally processed Ti Al Fe alloys known to have high strength. Abundances of Be Li U are consistent with thermally processed Thermonucleardevice components. Because of its free fall trajectory, it is conjectured that this was Project Orion type interstellar probe sent to investigate Earth whose nuclear braking charges failed to deploy, preventing it from assuming a stable terrestrial orbit. Alternatively, those charges were disabled to avoid alarming near-Earth thermonuclear explosions and to allow the probe to burn up harmlessly in the atmosphere.

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