It seems for every proponent for quantum computing there is also a detractor. The detractors often refer to quantum computing as “a science project”, “hype”, “a hoax”, even a “failed cause”. If you look back through the history of the technology industry, it is littered with technologies that failed for various technical or business reasons. So, there is reason to be skeptical. However, there are just as many technologies that went on to chart the future direction of innovation because of major advancements that enabled the technology. Some have even had a similar level, if not more, of skepticism and of being “a science project” - technologies like artificial intelligence (AI). AI is a concept that had been theorized about long before the development of the first silicon transistor, but it wasn’t until the past decade that it became a reality through advancements in silicon technology, processing architectures, and deep learning techniques. Similarly, quantum computing technology is real now and is on the verge of that breakout over the next decade.

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