Since its release a year ago, it has been impossible to escape the ChatGPT craze. The chatbot, which generates incredibly realistic human-like text and was released by OpenAI in November 2022, seems to have permeated every industry, including science. Researchers have used ChatGPT, and the broader technology known as generative AI, to brainstorm research ideas, create computer code and even write entire research papers.

But not all scientists are embracing the technology. According to a survey carried out by Nature, about 78% of researchers do not regularly use generative AI tools such as ChatGPT. Of those that do, many have used it only for fun activities not related to their research, or as an experiment. Some have chosen to steer clear of chatbots because of the potential pitfalls and limitations. Others fear that they are missing out.

Nature spoke to three researchers about why they are not using ChatGPT in their work.

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