NASA has announced its search for candidates ready to join its upcoming simulated one-year Mars surface mission, which aims to gather essential data for the agency's future human exploration endeavors on the Red Planet.

This initiative, called the Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog (CHAPEA), constitutes the second of three planned ground-based missions and is slated to commence in the spring of 2025.

The CHAPEA mission entails the participation of a four-person volunteer crew who will reside and conduct operations within a specially designed 1,700-square-foot habitat named the Mars Dune Alpha. 

Situated at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, this habitat will serve as a simulation of the harsh conditions and challenges encountered during a Mars mission, encompassing factors such as limited resources, equipment malfunctions, communication lags, and various environmental stressors. 

The crew's responsibilities or tasks range from simulated extravehicular activities and robotic maneuvers to habitat maintenance, physical exercises, and cultivation of crops.

Hope they all get along well with each other.

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