Machine learning researchers at Apple have developed an application that can accept a simple drawing and a text description to animate the drawing in desired ways. Tiffany Tseng, Ruijia Cheng and Jeffrey Nichols have published a paper describing the new app, called Keyframer, on the arXiv preprint server.

AI researchers continue to find LLMs capable of tasks that may not at first appear applicable. In this new effort, the researchers at Apple found that the LLM GPT-4 is capable of accepting both a simple drawing (in SVG format) and a text prompt describing a desired animation for the drawing, and then producing an animation that carries out the instructions.

As an example, the application can accept a picture of a rocket sitting on a . The accompanying text may read "Make the into the sky with a bunch of fire blowing out beneath it." The app will then attempt to animate the rocket to match the prompt.

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