Scientists have made five "key" DNA findings in a meteorite which could point towards the existence of aliens.

Confirming whether there is life beyond our planet may be much easier now boffins have their hands on bits of space rock. These bits of outer space debris fell to Earth over the last century and contain "nucleobases" which may tip to life out there across the galaxy.

Scinetists are now analysing the five key components found on the rocks with codes of adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine and uracil all found on the rocks.

Whether the ingredients came from outer space or found themselves attached to the space rock after it crashed into Earth is not yet known but the discovery is leaning towards alien life currently, researchers say.

Daniel Glavin, of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Centre, said: "We’ve completed the set of all the bases found in DNA and RNA and life on Earth, and they’re present in meteorites." It follows on from research conducted by Hokkaido University in Japan.

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