The Wave Accelerated Ring Pinch (WARP) Reactor is a novel petawatt-class pulsed power machine, invented by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory physicist Michael Anderson for energy production and advanced propulsion.

WARP is a fusion device with two opposing dense plasma focus (DPF) jet thrusters and "promises orders-of-magnitude increase of intense ion beam energies and respective radiation yields at a fraction of the size and cost over existing z-pinch class accelerators".

Furthermore, it is a device to "study of new Relativistic High Energy Density Physics regimes for probing the intersection between General Relativity and Quantum Field Theory". In this regard, it is an extended DPF technology which can let us dream of the "Plasma-Integrated Warp Cores" used by Starfleet and Klingon Empire Starships in the Star Trek movies.

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