Quantum computers operate using fundamental units called quantum gates, which are similar in concept to the logic gates used in classical computers. Logic gates perform basic data operations such as “and,” “or,” or “not.” For an algorithm to run on a quantum computer, it must first be decomposed into a series of these basic quantum gates. However, this process can be highly complex, often requiring a large number of quantum gate operations, which can diminish the computational advantages of quantum systems.

To address this challenge, researchers have introduced an innovative “hybrid” approach to quantum hardware design. This method replaces certain parts of the quantum circuit with a physical evolution that leverages the system’s natural interactions. By doing so, the hybrid approach significantly simplifies the execution of quantum algorithms compared to traditional methods, making them more efficient and practical.

Current intermediate-scale quantum computers are not yet practical because of “noise.” This noise occurs because qubits—the most basic components of a quantum computer—can interact with the outside environment. This introduces errors. These errors occur quickly, limiting the amount of time a quantum computer can operate accurately. True error correction methods are far from being reliable. The hybrid hardware design may allow researchers to run quantum algorithms using current technologies for practical scientific applications.

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