Explorers and adventurers have been attempting to prove the existence of Bigfoot for decades, with each passing year bringing with it more advanced techniques that could settle the mystery once and for all. While Bigfoot enthusiasts might have previously had their reports dismissed by skeptics, the field has grown all the more respected, given how much more willing researchers are to refute theories and evidence, while new techniques also offer more authenticity to even the most unlikely of scenarios. Dr. Mireya Mayor, star of Expedition Bigfoot, is one of the most respected names in the field, which makes her findings in the upcoming series finale of the program all the more compelling.

World-renowned primatologist, Fulbright Scholar and National Science Foundation Fellow, Mayor is not your typical scientist. For nearly two decades, she has been a wildlife correspondent reporting on wildlife and habitat loss while advocating for solutions to the alarming trends. Mireya has been hailed as a “female Indiana Jones,” in the media and is an inspiration to young women interested in science and exploration. A two-time Emmy Award-nominated field correspondent for the National Geographic Channel, Mayor reports to audiences worldwide on pertinent wildlife and habitat issues. Her explorations have led to several scientific discoveries, most notably her co-discovery of the world's smallest primates, a brand-new species to science. The daughter of Cuban immigrants, Mireya grew up in Miami and earned her bachelor’s degree in anthropology and English at the University of Miami and went on to earn her Ph.D. from Stony Brook University. She recently joined Florida International University as director of the Exploration and Science Communication Initiative. Mayor is also the author of Pink Boots and a Machete: My Journey from NFL Cheerleader to National Geographic Explorer.

During filming for Expedition Bigfoot deep in the wilderness of Kentucky’s Appalachian highlands, eDNA collected from soil under a massive tree structure found by Dr. Mayor and LeBlanc produced surprising and exciting results. Environmental DNA (eDNA) is the genetic material naturally left behind by animals in the environment. Scientific analysis of these samples helps generate a snapshot of any living creatures. This revolutionary new tool is increasingly used to confirm the presence of elusive animals.

Speaking by email, ComicBook.com caught up with Dr. Mayor to discuss the findings of the finale, what the future holds for research, and the likeliest places people could potentially find Bigfoot.

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